Friday, March 19, 2010

How to get around the money objection!!

Excellent advice worth repeating!
If you are in Network Marketing or ANY kind of Sales, you have most definitely heard the objection “I don’t have the money.”

So how can you get past it?

If they don’t have the money, they don’t have the money… right?

If they don’t have the money, they haven’t seen the VALUE.

When they see the value, they will FIND the money.

Let us tell you our story and this will explain what we mean about finding the money….

When I met Toby, he lived in the basement of a local bar in my
hometown. He was the Guitar playing Scottish guy that ate, slept, and worked in that bar.

Money was not something we had.

We moved from Canada to Tampa to help his parents who were facing foreclosure on their home.

Money was not something they had.

At that time it was $1500 for us to get started in our company.

A quote that changed our mindset from Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad was instead of saying “We can’t afford this…” we started to say this… “HOW CAN WE AFFORD THIS?“

Point of this story, we saw the reward instead of the risk and
we found $1500 to get started.

So when people say they don’t have the money, they are really saying
“I don’t see the value”.
How can you overcome this objection?

Paint a picture. Here’s an example…

A woman said to me that she could not budget our $100 autoshipment.

I painted her a picture…

“$100 dollars a month, that’s only $3.50 a day Cathy.
What do you spend $3.50 on now each day?”

After asking some questions we uncovered she was going out for lunch almost every day and a smoker.

“If smoking more cigarettes got you paid, would you do it more?”

“Of course”

“So you have to start investing your money in things that get you paid Cathy.”

She agreed.

Here’s another one you may have heard before…

There’s the old analogy that if your favourite car, say a black Mercedes Benz was parked out front and you only have to get $500.00 to own the keys…
You would find the money wouldn’t you?

It’s never about the money; it’s always about the value.

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