You have probably already heard that 97% of MLM'ers fail and why is that? It is because they are given unrealistic expectations at the beginning. They are given a proven system and told to follow it exactly and they will have the same results. Unfortunately everyone else in that downline is given the same proven system and they are also following it exactly. So you have an onslaught of people all competing for the same limited number of interested people. Often times it is only the luck of the draw as to who gets those leads, no matter what you have been told.
I don't want to sound completely pessimistic about MLM's because I am definitely not. There is money to be made in this industry. I am however against it being portrayed as a get rich quick opportunity. I think when it is portrayed this way it leads to a lot of frustrated and even angry people. MLM's can be a money making venture, but it takes time to reach the point where you earn some money.
When you decide to join an MLM make sure you are in it for the long haul. You need to understand that you will have to put forth a lot of effort and may not receive much if any monetary compensation at first. But stick with it, build your reputation, don't force feed people your opportunity. It may sound backwards but the last thing you want to do is sell people. The people who have been here the longest and made the most money have done that by building relationships with other people not just selling products. You will hear a lot about branding yourself and that is the only way you can have a long term place in this business. Again this is not always the first thing you are told. Most often you are told to try and prospect everyone first. This will then make it more difficult for you to build the relationships that you need because you have already tried to sell them.
Remember to treat others the way you want to be treated. Do you want to have business opportunities crammed down your throat every time you talk to someone? Don't treat everyone as a prospective customer and instead treat everyone as a prospective friend. You can never have to many friends in this life!